Clean Your Space Naturally

by Dr. Nicole BouKhalil

Do you like the way commercial air fresheners smell? I don’t, and I bet you don’t either.

As an aromatherapist working with natural and pure essential oils daily, synthetic smells give me headaches and negatively affect my mood.  

Trust what your nose is telling you: commercial air fresheners are loaded with chemicals and are bad for both your health and your environment.

Choose to make your home and work spaces safer and greener. Switching to natural, effective and safe air fresheners is a good first step.

Let me explain the benefits of a natural air freshener made with essential oils and why it is an excellent alternative to the commercial version.

During the past decade, chemical production has boomed. The subsequent increase in the use of synthetic products such as phthalates, glycol ethers and synthetic fragrances, has led to an increase in health problems. The rise in allergies, asthma, insomnia, mood disorders, and reproductive issues, as well as a decline of indoor air quality, are linked to the extensive use of chemicals

What chemicals do to your health

Chemicals can accumulate in your body and tissues. With time, such chemical build-up can result in health problems. Commonly used chemicals are thought to be endocrine disrupters and have been linked to reduced fertility; some are known asthma-inducers, lung- and skin irritants; others are neurotoxic; and still other are possible carcinogens. They are neither good for your health, nor for the environment.

While it’s nearly impossible to avoid all chemicals, you can certainly choose the types of products you use to clean your home and office. One step to taking control of your health and environment is to use essential oils and other non-toxic products.

The benefits of essential oils and aromatherapy:

  • Essential oils smell beautifully.
  • They have proven antimicrobial properties and are strong antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral agents.
  • Aromatherapy works holistically on the body, mind and spirit. Through their aromas, essential oils can boost your mood, balance your moral and enhance your wellbeing.

By using a natural air freshener with essential oils, you will:

  • Naturally purify and sanitize your environment, thanks to the powerful antimicrobial properties of essential oils.
  • Remove unpleasant odors and perfume your space with aromas that are non-toxic.
  • Enhance your mood – depending on the essential oil used, you can create a relaxing, uplifting or energizing atmosphere.
  • Produce less waste and contribute to a healthy environment.

This is a simple recipe for an air spray made with pure and natural essential oils

  • Fill a spray bottle of 250 ml with water
  • Add 75 drops of your essential oil of choice – you can mix 2-3 oils based on your preference. Some of my favorites include: eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, and pine.

The result is a natural and non-toxic air freshener that is antiseptic, antimicrobial and smells beautifully!

A natural air freshener made with essential oils offers a great and healthy way to purify and perfume your environment and to experience the benefits of aromatherapy. Use them to create healthier and mind-boosting spaces for yourself. Start now by throwing away any chemical air fresheners and let nature enter your home and office.

A few words on essential oil safety

Essential oils are concentrated, and you only need to use a very small amount to experience results. They must be used with care and guidelines on their labels must be read carefully and closely followed. Mix no more than 3 essential oils at the same time, using too many at once can cause allergies and even be toxic

Keep essential oils out of the reach of children.

Use only high quality essential oils; verify that they are 100% pure and natural and organic when possible.

Always buy essentials oils from a reliable source – many essential oils available in the (online) market are fake or mixed with synthetic aromas. When in doubt, consult a certified aromatherapist.

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